Welcome. These are called mixes. If you like the artists, go buy their music. I might do that too! More likely, if you like the artist, go see their live show.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I'm back. Sorry for the day late delay. Mediafire was being a not nice friend of FaGL last night and wouldn't complete the verification process while uploading this masterful piece of...ummm... alright enough ego stroking(and corny humor apparently). Lots of bass here. blah blah Indian Jewelry plays in Hot Springs in a few weeks and I'm seriously considering taking off work and driving the 3 hours to go. I can't believe they're playing there and not Little Rock or Memphis. The Polmo Polpo track is pure beauty. That's a hell of a Scot accent on the Reindeer Section. They feature a famous person or two. I'll let you look it up in great anticipation. Hope you're not annoyed by Warrior Queen being on the mixes two drops in a row. If so, well, skip them? Give the Bug and Skream a shot though. They both deserve it. Enjoy the remainder of summer.

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(Thos Rabbits?? You're gonna have to wait until next mix for those rabbits. This mix features those robots that need freedom though...)

as always, comments are loved by me for every second that i read them!1!!!!1!

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