Welcome. These are called mixes. If you like the artists, go buy their music. I might do that too! More likely, if you like the artist, go see their live show.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life's a Fucking Blur

Isn't it though? I know I promised this mix earlier in the week, but several things happened and I didn't get around to it(such as yesterday having no power for a majority of the day). Anyhow, here it is. I actually had another one that was all rock oriented, but decided it wasn't good enough. I hate when Pitchfork beats me in putting out tracks. It's been a goal of mine to attempt to beat them on getting out relative unknowns(G-Side in this instance). On the other side of it, I did get Chiddy Bang, Theophilus London, opiou, Pill, and a couple of others :D If you're not a fan of electronic music, hip hop, rap, american/brit urban stylings, or amalgamations of all of these, then I dunno if I'd bother with this. Otherwise, if you do enjoy these things, mmmmm yes.  As always, click either picture for the zip.

I really feel like this is one of the best mixes I've made in a while with all heavy hitters, no fillers. Yum.

I've got nothing else. Hope you enjoy. Lemme know.

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good evening.

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