it's been a little while. I got a new job in the meantime and haven't had as much time to properly digest music as I would normally. I imagine things will even out once i get a semi-regular schedule going. Anyhow, enough of that. We're here for the music, right?
Both mixes begin with Jamie Woon's "Lady Luck". I did that to absolutely ensure that you hear this, no matter what your musical preference...
Batman is the typical rock mix and Wonder Spot covers various electronic and hip hop tracks. Understandably, the term rock is so broad and wildly encompassing. Just know that these tracks range from squall down to buttery pop. I'm fairly light on the squall this go around though.
*Tiger High is a new Memphis band composed of gruff(sometimes bearded) elements from The Bulletproof Vests, Antique Curtains, and even The Reigning Sound. Whew! Their debut album is the second coming. It's short, to the point, but covers enough sonic terrain to make you feel like it's so much longer than it is. There are no low points. All power.
*JEFF the Bro has a new album out and it's just as great as their debut.
*Holy Ghost! are a new act out on DFA. If you don't know DFA, you've got some googling to do...
*Cheveu plays the Hi Tone sometime soon. I'm too lazy to check the date right now.
*Check out the video for "How You Satisfy Me" from Spectrum(Spectrum was 1/2 of the songwriting force in Spacemen 3. The other 1/2, J. Spaceman, went on to form Spiritualized).
*New Bill Callahan is new Bill Callahan.
*The Psychic Paramount-Don't play this at loud volumes for your Nana.
Wonder Spot!
Sounds filthy, but includes fantastic newness from the likes of:
*Thom Yorke, Burial, and Four Tet- Sorry, this IS a radio rip, but you'll get the point.
*Appleblim and Ramadanman- I'm not one for straight up techno(I'm also not a dance purist and have no real tangible knowledge of where one genre ends and the next begins, so with this serving as a disclaimer, I declare this techno), but this track does the trick.
*Pac Div never disappoints. With their major label debut around the corner, this will keep you satisfied until... I had this on repeat about 5 times in a row last week.
*Dom Kennedy for Mayor.
*Curren$y with the Mars Volta. Curious, eh? I'm so excited to see what's next.
*Siriusmo has really matured into his sound. A standout track from a standout album.
A lot of these tracks are hard to talk about, as there are no discernible lyrics and it's hard to tell you about a certain noise in the back of a song that sounds like dream metallic substances being melted.
Thanks, goodnight.