Welcome. These are called mixes. If you like the artists, go buy their music. I might do that too! More likely, if you like the artist, go see their live show.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dem For the Win or Truck in a Tree(oh shit)

A double dose. I had a mix all prepped, but then quit my job and left town for about 10 days. Went to DC and got a new president there. Got back and promptly got ill. I threw out the old mix that I had ready and made 2 whole, new ones.
They're dandy. Hope you like. Plenty of new and old artists to feast on and derive pleasure from.

Without further typing, Dem For the Win and Truck in a Tree(oh shit)

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I came really close to not including the Animal Collective song, as almost everyone and their cousin has been talking around it. I'm excited to say that I'll be seeing them in June, finally. I feel these are two strong mixes. Find out for yourself. As always, comments are adored.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Awesome! I'm going to download these tonight. I am happy to find you on the wide world of the internet.

Also, we host/attend a potluck every other Sunday night... you should come sometime. There's one this Sunday, message me if you wanna come! The food is (usually) superb.